• Create your own happiness.

    Bud Blast

     Dear readers, this is what bud blast looks like.  Bud blast is when, due to shock, an orchid loses its unopen buds (sometimes even its blooms) in order to spend more energy on surviving.

    A plant can be shocked for many reasons, but a change in location or climate, and thus a change in growing conditions such as lighting and humidity, can cause bud loss.

    Avoid moving your plants while the buds are developing to avoid this.  My pink orchid show below is my only orchid to have bud blast....it is also my most recent orchid so it probably did not have time to acclimatize to the house like the other plants before I moved them all to the kitchen.  I lost at least 5 buds (and that means 5 beautiful flowers! 

    See those dead, dried-up, pink buds? :(

    Didn't notice part of my finger was in that last photo, haha woops :)  

    Hope it never happens to you!


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