• Create your own happiness.

    About me

         I am your average orchid admirer with a penchant for adventure and stand-out food. Being a hardcore hobbyist, this blog shares with you some of my favourite hobbies that I have adopted (with extreme gusto) over the years.

         And being your average person, all my photos are taken with just a regular compact digital camera or my Iphone.  The only photoshop I use is Instagram where specified, if Instagram is even considered a legitimate photoshop tool.   I want these photos to be as real to the original experience as I remember them.  And oh, I'm Canadian :)


    1. Hi - I just found your blog on instragram. I didn't think there was anyone out there that loved Phals as much as me. Are you Cambodian? I'm only asking because of your name and the rice cooker in the background of your photos lol.

    2. Hi there! Good eye with the rice cooker...nope not Cambodian :)



    Blogger news


    A photoblog of my favourite hobbies: collecting orchids, traveling, and eating. Just a tidbit of what makes me happy :)
