• Create your own happiness.


    Instead if writing my research thesis, I have been distracted by a new art form...videography!  While at first I wanted to learn the art for my future travels, I decided a good way to practice would be to film my orchids!

    Now I don't have a fancy schmancy camera so I just used my Iphone 5 and the filming app Camera! I used that app because it allows to you control focus and exposure separately but I really got it because it was free!  There are other similar apps out there however, not sure which is the best.

    This is  cool vintage-looking Iphone5 case huh?

    Again, I did not have a fancy video editor so I just used Windows Movie Maker and it turned out alright, but I could not enhance my videos or do other fine tweaking.

    For example in the middle, you will hear a bump from me moving the chair!  But I couldn't easily get rid of it....Regardless I think its a pretty nice movie, for my first try!!!

    Just imagine with a real HD camera, a tripod,  and the right editing tools how much more awesome it could be!


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    Blogger news


    A photoblog of my favourite hobbies: collecting orchids, traveling, and eating. Just a tidbit of what makes me happy :)
