• Create your own happiness.

    That horrible moment when you break a spike

    Well, guys, it happens.  I never thought it would be me.  I always thought that it only happened to careless people.  Well.  The truth is, it happens to people to care too much.  I was so excited that my green orchid was growing a new spike that I touched it in the wrong way and SNAP, it just broke off!!!!!

    I had 12 seconds of silent, open-mouthed, frozen horror before googling frantically what was supposed to happen next.  And basically, all I can do it wait.  Hopefully, a new side spike will grow on its own or if I cut it down an inch above the last node.  Unfortunately, I broke it off awkwardly right at the node, so now I am just waiting to see what happens.

    I'll never see these new pretty green flowers :( Lesson learned folks.  Do not play around with spikes!


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